『** Various Norman Granz The Jazz Scene [ US '49 Mercury none ] LIMITED EDITION 6 X 78rpm』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)で藤原せんべい店 店主 ふじぽんから出品され、204の入札を集めて2024-12-30 19:11:44に、28880.00円で落札されました。即決価格は28880.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(藤原せんべい店 店主 ふじぽん)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
Alto Saxophone Murray Williams Sonny SaladBaritone Saxophone Manny Alban*Bass Curly RussellBongos Diego IborraCello Joe BenaventiClarinet John La Porta*Drums Shelly ManneFrench Horn Vincent Jacobs (2)Piano Tony AlessSoloist Alto Saxophone Charlie ParkerTenor Saxophone Flip Phillips Pete MondelloTrombone Bart Varcelona* Bill HarrisTrumpet Al Porcina* Douglas Mettone* Ray WetzelViola Fred Ruzilia* Nat NathansonViolin Gene Orloff Harry Katzman Manny Fiddler* Sam Caplan Sid Harris Zelly SmirnoffWritten-By Hefti*DNeal Hefti's OrchestraRhumbacitoAlto Saxophone Murray Williams Sonny SaladBaritone Saxophone Manny Alban*Bass Curly RussellBongos Diego IborraCello Joe BenaventiClarinet John La Porta*Drums Shelly ManneFrench Horn Vincent Jacobs (2)Piano Tony AlessTenor Saxophone Flip Phillips Pete MondelloTrombone Bart Varcelona* Bill HarrisTrumpet Al Porcina* Ray WetzelViola Fred Ruzilia* Nat NathansonViolin Gene Orloff Harry Katzman Manny Fiddler* Sam Caplan Sid Harris Zelly SmirnoffWritten-By Hefti*ELester Young-Buddy Rich TrioI Want To Be HappyDrums Buddy RichPiano Aye GuyTenor Saxophone Lester YoungWritten-By Caesar* Youmans*FColeman HawkinsPicassoTenor Saxophone Coleman HawkinsWritten-By Hawkins*GRalph Burns And His OrchestraIntrospectionAlto Saxophone Hal McKusickAlto Saxophone Clarinet Flute Harry KleeBass Red Callendar*Drums Don LamondFrench Horn Vincent DeRobertisGuitar Arv Garrison*Piano Dodo MarmarosaTenor Saxophone Lucky ThompsonTenor Saxophone Soloist Herbie Steward*Trombone Ollie WilsonTrombone Soloist Bill HarrisTrumpet Conrad GozzoTrumpet Soloist Sonny BermanWritten-By Burns*HGeorge Handy And His OrchestraThe BloosAlto Saxophone Hal McKusickAlto Saxophone Clarinet Flute Harry KleeBaritone Saxophone Bass Clarinet Charles Gentry*Bass Red Callendar*Bassoon Robert Swanson (3)Cello Arthur KaftonContrabassoon Arthur Fleming*French Horn Evan Vail Vincent DeRobertisGuitar Arv Garrison*Oboe Julie JacobsPercussion Don Lamond Jackie Mills Jimmy PrattPiano Dodo MarmarosaTenor Saxophone Lucky ThompsonTenor Saxophone Soloist Herbie Steward*Trombone Eddie Kusby* Ollie WilsonTrombone Soloist Bill HarrisTrumpet Al Killian Conrad Gozzo Dale Pearce Pete Candoli Sonny BermanViolin Harry Bluestone Robert JamisonViolin Cello Carl Walker (4)Written-By Handy*ICharlie ParkerThe BirdAlto Saxophone Charlie ParkerBass Ray BrownDrums Shelly MannePiano Hank JonesWritten-By Parker*JWillie Smith QuintetSophisticated LadyAlto Saxophone Willie Smith (2)Bass Red Callendar*Drums Joe Jones*Guitar Barney KesselPiano Dodo MarmarosaWritten-By Ellington*KMachito And His OrchestraTangAlto Saxophone Alfred Skerritt*Alto Saxophone Soloist Flip Phillips Eugene Johnson*Baritone Saxophone Leslie JohnakinsBass Roberto Rodriguez*Bongos Chino Pozo Joe Mangual*Congas Armando Peraza Rafael MirandaPiano Rene Hernandez*Tenor Saxophone Jos Madera*Timbales Ubaldo NietoTrumpet Robert Woodlen* Frank Davila* Mario Bauza*Vocals Maracas MachitoWritten-By Bauza*LThe Bud Powell TrioCherokeeBass Ray BrownDrums Max RoachPiano Bud PowellWritten-By Noble*プレス Scranton Record Company録音 Radio Recorders録音 Asch Studios New York City録音 Reeves Sound Studios録音 Carnegie Hall Recording Studios印刷 George F. McKiernan & CompanyDesign [Label] Typography [Front Cover Lettering] George MaasIllustration [Original Drawing] David Stone MartinPhotography By Gjon MiliPhotography By [Bud Powell & Max Roach] Paul NodlerPhotography By [Ralph Burns] Harold TrudeauProducer Liner Notes Supervised By Norman GranzTypography George F. McKiernan & Company 78-rpm album-folio with a sturdy cloth cover built like a loose leaf notebook so that the contents may be removed if desired. Six 12-inch "vinylite" records (not shellac... these are "unbreakable"). Each record is in an envelope protected by an envelope-flap on top. Limited hand-numbered edition of 5000. Hand-signed/numbered by Norman Granz on title page.[Liner]Of this Edition of The Jazz SceneFive Thousand Copies have been made under the supervision of Norman Granz Who Signs Here[Liner]All written matter artwork and photographys copyright 1949 by Norman Granz.While the materials have a 1949 copyright the Library Of Congress has the release date as 1950.Recording studios used were:- The Duke Ellington Lester Young Ralph Burns George Handy and Willie Smith sides were done at Radio Recorders Hollywood California.- The Coleman Hawkins side was done at Asch Studios New York City.- The Machito and Bud Powell sides were done at Reeves Sound Studios New York City.- The Neal Hefti and Charlie Parker sides were done at Carnegie Hall Recorders New York City.- The Duke Ellington Sides recorded in 1949.- The Neal Hefti Sides recorded “Repetition” December 1947 and “Rhumbacito” Autumn 1948.- The Lester Young Side recorded MarchApril 1946.- The Coleman Hawkins Side recorded 1948.- The Ralph Burns Side recorded October 1946.- The George Handy Side recorded November 1947.- The Charlie Parker Side recorded 10 February 1949.- The Willie Smith Side recorded November 1947.- The Machito Side recorded January 1949.- The Bud Powell Side recorded February 1949.●状態は、良好です。●補足/UK HMV 蓄音機で、試聴済み(^^)/中古ですので、返品、クレーム対応いたしかねます。●配送方法●ゆうパックで発送します。100サイズ●他の発送方法は、ありません。 ゆうパック料金表(東京渋谷から送付します) 北海道 2020円 東北、関東、信越、北陸、東海 1500円 東京 1450円 近畿 1620円 中国、四国 1780円 九州 2020円 沖縄 2160円THE PERFECT CIRCLE 〒150-0042 渋谷区宇田川町36-2 ノア渋谷 311perfectcirclerecords@gmai.com...
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